


Invest in exciting Ventures, Innovations and Flourishing businesses from founders of black origin.
Handpick the businesses and ventures that appeal you from industries that Excite you and founders who Inspire you.

Register now for early access to our Spring 2021 launch.


Invest in exciting Ventures, Innovations and Flourishing businesses from founders of black origin.
Handpick the businesses and ventures that appeal you from industries that Excite you and founders who Inspire you.

Join the B.O.X and Invest in Black Owned eXcellence


Raise funds, get on going Business Support and turn your venture into a reality. Find Investors who share in your vision and passion.

Register Now for priority access to Investor Funding launching Spring 2021.

Become a Partner

We’re keen to work with Strategic Partners, Mentoring Organisations and individuals who have mutual Interests, resources and Expertise– so please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Join us in Building Black Enterprise

Become a Partner

We’re keen to work with Strategic Partners, Mentoring Organisations and individuals who have mutual Interests, resources and Expertise– so please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.  

Join us in Evolving Black Enterprise

Launching 2021 subject to final FCA Approval – Register now for Priority Access.

The B.O.X. All rights reserved.